From Comp 030, you know that an operating system is the most important piece of software that a computer needs to “operate”. Because the operating system is essential, we would like you to review material about it.
- Introduction to Operating Systems
Dane Hartman. “Computer Skills Course: Operating Systems Overview.” Online video clip. YouTube, 27 May 2018
The following link is from page. Do not click on any tutorial links embedded in these chapters, just read through all the material, watch any videos and complete any interactive exercises and then come back to this page for further instructions.
- Operating Systems (Chapter 8)
The following links are OPTIONAL but a good way to learn more about the importance of operating systems:
- The Importance of an Operating System By Shritam Bhowmick
- How Operating Systems Work. Just read pages 1 to 4, using the Next button to go from page to page.
- Why the operating system matters even more in 2017 by Gordon Haff