keyboard from pixabay (new image)

(This module reviews material from Comp 030.)
Upon successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • use correct touch typing techniques and procedures
  • achieve an adjusted typing speed of 20 wpm

Using the computer keyboard safely and efficiently is an important skill. When you are keyboarding at approximately twenty-five words a minute, you are typing faster than you can write by hand which can save you a lot of time when you are working on papers for your courses!
This module is divided into the following sections:

Whether you are new to keyboarding or an experienced typist, your work environment and how you position yourself in front of the computer is very important to your long-term health. Lesson 1.1, “Ergonomics”, has a number of resources that can help you set up your work station and give you tips about the correct way to sit in front of a computer. If you feel comfortable with this material from Comp 030, go on to Lesson 1.2.
Are you new to typing? Then go to the next section, “Learn to Touch Type”, or you might want to try using a keyboarding or typing program (e.g., Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing) that might be already loaded on to your computer.
If you are very new to typing, then be prepared to take some time to learn this skill. You should try and spend 15 to 20 minutes practice a day, five days a week. Like other skills, the more regularly you practice the more rapid your progress. Depending upon your experience and how much you practice, in a few weeks you should improve considerably.

Remember: The goal for Computer Studies 040 is to type 20 words per minute.